Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Qualities of a Reputable Dog Breeder

     Choosing a dog of your dreams is a long-term commitment requiring a lot of patience, planning and research.  Not all dog breeders are reputable dog breeders and should be carefully screened to get the best possible puppy.  Not anyone that can put two dogs together can be called a breeder.  Dog breeding is a passion and it takes a lot of responsibility.  Any dog breeder looks exactly like any human being and that makes it hard to differentiate which one is a crook and who’s a responsible dog breeder.
     Reputable dog breeders should be knowledgeable about the dogs they’re breeding and about the breed standards…and if when asked about the breed standard they’re breeding then they looked at you poker faced – walk away. They should know what a breed standard is and if they don’t, they should not be breeding dogs in the first place.  A reputable dog breeder is not after the money rather; they’re after the pup’s welfare.  A good breeder doesn’t produce volumes of puppies and they don’t sell in litter lots and to pet shops.  They carefully screen potential buyers to make sure of the pup’s welfare so be ready for some questioning as well. They should be open for kennel visits and should you find the place unsanitary, cover your nose then run away.  They should be active in the advancement of their particular breed by joining conformation, obedience trials and other dog events.  They should be honest to discuss the good aspects and faults of the dog.  Remember that there’s no perfect dog.  Records are very important and the breeder should have it handy.  The dogs’ papers should include the pedigrees of the puppies and least of the dam (if he/she doesn’t own the sire) and medical records properly signed by a licensed vet. You have to make sure the puppy is of good health, properly socialized and that the breeder should provide recommendations for further health and training needs.  A reputable dog breeder should provide you with a written contract and bill of sale and should offer a health guarantee.  You don’t want a cute little pup only to find out it’s sick when you get home.  It happens… a lot… so be very, very, careful.  They should be willing to give you references from their previous buyers and talking to these references will help you judge the character of the breeder.  Worst-case scenario, the breeder should be willing to take the dog back if you’re unable to care for it and should be readily available for advice during the dog’s life span.
     So… is there still a reputable dog breeder out there?  I should say a lot, you just have to go out and sweat it out.  Watch out for my next post about where to find reputable dog breeders….


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