Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Where to Find Reputable Dog Breeders

     Finding a dog breeder seems really easy but to find a “reputable dog breeder” is another case.  Not anyone that can put two dogs together can be called a dog breeder.  There are qualities of a reputable dog breeder that must be considered.  A reputable dog breeder considers the best interest of the dog, their breed and their potential buyers foremost in their mind.  Not all dog breeders do that, in fact, a lot are just after the money, money, money and more money.  Now where to find these reputable dog breeders, here are some suggestions…   
     In general, it is always best to contact the kennel clubs (American Kennel Club, Canadian Kennel Club, Australian National Kennel, The Kennel Club of UK, Philippine Canine Club, and others), breed organization or breed clubs to locate one. The club maintains a list of reputable breeders that they can refer to you. It is also highly advisable to visit dog shelters like PAWS and adopt a pet.  Adopting a pet dog is highly recommended not only you can save money but also you help the dog community by providing dogs a family they can call their own.  These organizations maintains a website and just click on the links to go there.  After getting a referral from them, burn the phone lines, ask questions and if necessary, visit the kennels. 
     Another good venue to find a reputable dog breeder are the dog events organized by these organizations.  Check the website or call the dog show organizer about dog show schedules in your area.  Dog related events showcase a lot of reputable breeders.  Be very courteous though when approaching a breeder, more often than not, these dog breeders/ exhibitors feel somewhat pressured and tensed because of the dog shows’ hectic schedule.  It’s not a good idea to waylay someone on the way to the show ring.  Be polite to ask when it will be more convenient to talk to them.  Collect as many business cards as you can and plan a visit after the dog show is over. 
     Other references to look for are your veterinarian, dog groomer, dog trainer, and maybe your friend who knows something about dogs.  Somebody must know somebody that knows somebody, eventually leading to the right direction.  Lastly, the local newspaper classified ads and the Internet are full of dog breeders selling puppies.  Words of caution though, check the qualities of a reputable dog breeder before you make a purchase.


Andrew Clarke said...

I buy a high quality dog kennel from Quick Garage

k9blogger said...

@ Andrew ... Thanks for the visit and for the info. I appreciate it.

Jene said...

great site... keep it up. im thinking of importing dogs from UK but i have no idea how to... can u pls teach me? or make an entry of howto? or wat about i have a connection at UK and were thinking to adopt dogs from shelters and send them here in my country? is dat even possible/legal? pls advice me on my case. more power and thank you for a very wonderful site.

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